PAYMENT: We accept VISA, Mastercard and wire transfer All prices are in US Dollars. A 25% deposit with in 7 days of acceptance is required to confirm the order. The remaining 75% balance must be paid 2 weeks prior to arranged shipping date. No credit will be extended.
CANCELLATIONS: In the event of an order being cancelled
By the customer, the 25% deposit is non-refundable. Any possible credit towards a future order is strictly at the discretion of Segger Nursery Ltd.
CONDITIONS OF SALE: All prices are FOB in Abbotsford, BC, Canada wire basket or B&B. Container packaging is available upon request at additional charge. Orders are accepted subject to weather, inventory availability or any other reason beyond our control. We reserve the right to refund all, or any part of payment made.
SHIPPING: Shipping to be arranged by the customer.
HOLDING CHARGE: All paid orders delayed longer than 2 weeks from shipping date will be subject to nursery holding fee of minimum $100 per week.
Any orders delayed more than 1 month from shipping date will be subject to monthly holding fee of minimum $500 per month. After 1 year all ordered plants not shipped will become the sole property of Segger Nursery Ltd.
Thank you for your understanding of all terms and conditions.
Sincerely Segger Nursery Ltd.